Uses of Interface

Packages that use ROMetaModel

Uses of ROMetaModel in net.sf.csutils.core.model.impl

Classes in net.sf.csutils.core.model.impl that implement ROMetaModel
 class AbstractROMetaModel
          Abstract base class for deriving implementations of ROMetaModel.
 class DynamicROMetaModel
 class StaticROMetaModel
          The static meta model is useful for testing purposes, or for ultimate performance.

Methods in net.sf.csutils.core.model.impl that return ROMetaModel
 ROMetaModel pFile)
          Reads and deserializes a meta model from the XML stream provided by the given File.
 ROMetaModel pSource)
          Reads and deserializes a meta model from the XML stream provided by the given InputSource.
 ROMetaModel pStream)
          Reads and deserializes a meta model from the XML stream provided by the given InputStream.
 ROMetaModel pNode)
          Reads and deserializes a meta model from the XML stream provided by the given Node.
 ROMetaModel pReader)
          Reads and deserializes a meta model from the XML stream provided by the given Reader.
protected  ROMetaModel pBean)
 ROMetaModel pSource)
          Reads and deserializes a meta model from the XML stream provided by the given Source.
 ROMetaModel pURL)
          Reads and deserializes a meta model from the XML stream provided by the given URL.
 ROMetaModel pReader)
          Reads and deserializes a meta model from the XML stream provided by the given XMLEventReader.
 ROMetaModel pReader)
          Reads and deserializes a meta model from the XML stream provided by the given XMLStreamReader.

Methods in net.sf.csutils.core.model.impl with parameters of type ROMetaModel
protected  ROMetaModel ROMetaModelWriter.write(ROMetaModel pModel)
          Converts the given meta model into a serializable JAXB bean.
 void ROMetaModelWriter.write(ROMetaModel pModel, org.xml.sax.ContentHandler pHandler)
          Converts the given meta model to XML by writing to the given ContentHandler.
 void ROMetaModelWriter.write(ROMetaModel pModel, pFile)
          Converts the given meta model to XML by writing to the given File.
 void ROMetaModelWriter.write(ROMetaModel pModel, org.w3c.dom.Node pNode)
          Converts the given meta model to XML by writing to the given Node.
 void ROMetaModelWriter.write(ROMetaModel pModel, pStream)
          Converts the given meta model to XML by writing to the given OutputStream.
 void ROMetaModelWriter.write(ROMetaModel pModel, javax.xml.transform.Result pResult)
          Converts the given meta model to XML by writing to the given Result.
 void ROMetaModelWriter.write(ROMetaModel pModel, pWriter)
          Converts the given meta model to XML by writing to the given Writer.
 void ROMetaModelWriter.write(ROMetaModel pModel, pWriter)
          Converts the given meta model to XML by writing to the given XMLEventWriter.
 void ROMetaModelWriter.write(ROMetaModel pModel, pWriter)
          Converts the given meta model to XML by writing to the given XMLStreamWriter.

Uses of ROMetaModel in net.sf.csutils.core.query

Constructors in net.sf.csutils.core.query with parameters of type ROMetaModel
CsqlParser(ROMetaModel pModel)
          Creates a new instance with the given meta model, and the CentraSite registry info.
CsqlParser(ROMetaModel pModel, RegistryInfo pRegistryInfo)
          Creates a new instance with the given meta model, and registry info.

Uses of ROMetaModel in net.sf.csutils.core.query.impl

Methods in net.sf.csutils.core.query.impl that return ROMetaModel
protected  ROMetaModel AbstractQueryGenerator.getModel()

Methods in net.sf.csutils.core.query.impl with parameters of type ROMetaModel
 CsqlStatement XQueryGenerator.parse(ROMetaModel pModel, Statement pQuery)
 CsqlStatement AbstractQueryGenerator.parse(ROMetaModel pModel, Statement pQuery)

Uses of ROMetaModel in net.sf.csutils.core.registry

Methods in net.sf.csutils.core.registry that return ROMetaModel
 ROMetaModel SimpleModelDrivenRegistryFacade.getMetaModel()
 ROMetaModel ROModelAccessor.getMetaModel()
          Returns the meta model.
 ROMetaModel ROMetaModelAccessor.getMetaModel()
          Returns the meta model.
 ROMetaModel ModelDrivenRegistryFacade.getMetaModel()
          Returns the facades meta model.

Uses of ROMetaModel in net.sf.csutils.core.registry.impl

Methods in net.sf.csutils.core.registry.impl that return ROMetaModel
 ROMetaModel ROModelAccessorImpl.getMetaModel()
 ROMetaModel ROMetaModelAccessorImpl.getMetaModel()

Methods in net.sf.csutils.core.registry.impl with parameters of type ROMetaModel
protected  ROSlot ROModelAccessorImpl.findSlot(ROMetaModel pModel, javax.xml.registry.infomodel.RegistryObject pObject, java.lang.String pSlotName)

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